
Tech Stack

As an independent developer and designer, Every skill I've acquired has been out of pure passion and self-dedication.
This drive to learn makes me not just a developer or designer, but a super learner, continuously enhancing my craft and offering unique, tailored solutions to each project I undertake.

Remix as fullstack framework

Remix (now React Router v7) has been a revelation with its focus on server-side rendering and routing right out of the box. It's built on top of React, so the adoption wasn't as steep as I anticipated. The growing community around Remix excites me, especially since Shopify is supporting and leading the way with this technology, making it, in my opinion, the best option.

Cloudflare for Deployment

I've moved my deployment to Cloudflare, which has been transformative. With Cloudflare, I get speed, security, and scalability without much hassle. It's particularly suited for Remix applications and full-stack development, providing me with a seamless deployment experience that's both fast and cost-effective for my clients.

UnoCSS for CSS Management

I've shifted my CSS strategy to UnoCSS combined with Vite. UnoCSS offers an on-demand atomic CSS approach, which has streamlined my development process by reducing the need for large, complex style sheets. With Vite's fast build times and hot module replacement, this combination allows me to maintain highly organized and performant CSS with minimal overhead. UnoCSS, with its instant utility classes, has proven to be a robust solution, perfectly complementing the modern development speed and efficiency that Vite brings to the table.

Animations and Motion

I've streamlined my animation strategy by exclusively using Motion.dev for all my animation needs. Its GPU-accelerated animations provide a perfect blend of performance and complexity, eliminating the need for a mix of CSS and other libraries. This approach has significantly simplified my animation data management. For WebGL, I continue to leverage react-three-fiber for its seamless integration and ease of use within my stack.

SQLite and Hono for APIs

I've decided to use SQLite for my database needs due to its simplicity and performance for my use cases. Coupled with Hono for my API, I've created a lightweight and efficient backend setup that's easy to manage and scale.

Strapi and Sanity for Content Management

For content, I'm now using both Strapi and Sanity.
Strapi gives me the flexibility to customize my content API and manage content types programmatically, while Sanity shines with its developer-friendly schemas and editorial experience. Both CMSes complement each other, providing me with a robust content management system:

This is where I stand today. If you're curious about my tech stack, I'm here to share that journey. The curiosity remains. I like to check what's out there and keep an eye out for quality tools — as any good developer should.
I'm closer to hitting the sweet spot on a tech stack that I'm proud to reuse and evolve.


— January 15, 2025

